jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Lee y deja leer.

Meigas e fadas, ás veces, conceden desexos. Aída Pazos ten sangue das dúas. 
O Día Das Letras Galegas demostrouno.

A min enmeigoume as mans. A proba:

Se realmente queres perderte, entra no Labirinto.

A Terrible Glance.

Came to a dark shore in The Labyrinth, I could hear the water splashing quietly, but everything else was fog, dense, menacing, scary fog... 

All of a sudden I heard something coming from ashore, sound of whispers, wood creaking, heavy iron clinking... smelled smoke, wood... Blood...? 

Then, for a second, the fog opened right in front of me! I saw the most terrible glance I ever crossed! 

I don't think I'll ever come back to that cove...

... I promised myself not to go back to that foggy little bay. 

But how was I supposed to sleep not knowing what evil lived behind those devilish eyes... So last night, I took all the courage I could gather in me (not much, I confess) and I went back. I hid the best I could at a safe distance (that's how much courage I found) and waited. 

Here's what I saw.

PS: Captain Morten A. Gettermann, this is one of yours. Feliz cumple, man!!!

If you really want to get lost, enter The Labyrinth .

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

Día de la Madre.

¿¿¿Cómo que hoy???
¡¡¡El año entero, día y noche!!!

¡¡¡Feliz día, mamis!!!

Si realmente quieres perderte, entra en el El Laberinto .

Night Well.

Another flight with the crows.
Another dark tale.
Another dark place in the depths of The Labyrinth.

A well of deep dark dreams, hidden desires and unspeakable sins. 
Here I learned that I love to live with my dreams, desires and sins…

If you really want to get lost, enter The Labyrinth .

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2014